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Exponential Growth, Single Channel Video, 2020, 13min 6sec, 3840 x 2160 UHD 4k

Collaboration with Andrew Deutsch


The exponential growth of the human race, capitalism, and climate change reveals a system on the brink of failure. The ongoing global epidemic COVID-19 has tipped those scales into the red, putting millions at risk. This crisis has made it clear that America needs to rethink its economic practices and nationalize health care. COVID-19 has become the glitch in our system that requires us to step back and question the frameworks we have in place. To consider new pathways for future political, social, and economic realities.


The glitch was created by creating a virtual network for streaming video out and back into the same system. The glitches occur by throttling the networks bitrate and creating a feedback loop by taking the in back to the out. These glitches are similar to slow internets effects on streaming services like Netflix. Streaming services claim they provide you with 4k HD video, and the pixels within that resolution are present; however, they downsample your images based on your connection speed. I cannot help but make correlations to the promises of capitalism and the bootstrapped picturesque life of exponential growth and prosperity.

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